Frequently Asked Questions
The names of all Plaquemines Parish registered voters are placed into the jury-management computer system operated by the clerk of court. The list is updated frequently to account for address changes, name changes, additions, and deletions. The computer randomly selects the names of those who will be issued subpoenas to appear, upon request by the jury commission.
The Louisiana Supreme Court is responsible for promulgating the rules as to which groups and classes of persons are exempt from jury service.
Public officers, physicians, lawyers, judges, members of the armed forces, police and fire departments, and clergy are no longer exempt. One is exempt from jury duty if he/she is 70 years of age and over. The prospective juror may claim that exemption using the return confirmation slip enclosed with the jury summons.
The law does provide, however, for excusal from jury duty for medical, hardship, or other reasons. Excusal requests for those reasons must be submitted to the presiding judge for his review. Instructions on excusal requests are provided in the jury summons.
To inquire about excusals, exemptions, or any other jury-service issues, you may call the clerk of court at (504) 934-6610 between the hours of 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M.; or you may inquire via e-mail at Your inquiry may need to be directed to the Court’s staff.
Louisiana law provides that a potential juror must meet certain qualifications to be eligible to serve on a jury. Requirements are that a prospective juror must:
1) be a citizen of the United States and Louisiana;
2) have resided in Plaquemines Parish for at least one year before serving as a juror;
2) be at least 18 years old;
3) be able to read, write, and speak the English language;
4) not be under interdiction or incapable of serving as a juror because of a mental or physical infirmity, provided that no person shall be deemed incompetent solely because of the loss of hearing to any degree;
5) Within the 5-year period immediately preceding the date of jury service, have not been under indictment, incarcerated under an order of imprisonment, or on probation or parole for a felony offense.
If you do not meet all of these requirements, you should notify the Court using the return confirmation slip enclosed with your summons.
There is ample free parking at the Plaquemines Parish Courthouse.
Once you are actually selected as a juror, you are under the judge’s jurisdiction and control. Simply listen closely to the judge, who will give you detailed instructions and information concerning such matters as (1) anticipated length of the trial, (2) when to report back to the courtroom after a recess, (3) what you are expected to do and not do as a juror, and (4) other matters that the judge feels are relevant to your jury service.